
Meaning of orente in yoruba language

Orente is one of the most ancient words in Yoruba language dictionary. It is a noun first of all, it is an interesting word that not a lot know exactly what it means. So what is the meaning of orente?

Orente meaning

Orente is one of the most ancient words in yoruba language dictionary. It is noun first of all, it is used to describe a woman or a girl that is very beautiful and pretty.

Yoruba words and English meaning

It doesn’t matter if a girl or a woman has a husband or still single. The other English definitions are:

  • elegant
  • chic
  • well-mannered
  • charming

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As for yoruba language synonyms of orente are:

  • awelewa
  • ibadi aran

If you are looking for a perfect word to make your girlfriend a compliment, orente is one of the best that will show all your excitement to the person you like.

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Yoruba language

Yoruba language is spoken by about 22 million people all over South-Western Nigeria. But also, you can find yoruba speaking people living in Cuba, Brazil, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Togo, Benin and United States of America as well.

Orente in pop culture

To better understand the whole meaning of this beautiful word we have a perfect example in pop culture. A love song by Adekunle Gold explaining in yoruba language, the faithfulness of a woman who adores a man. And despite all the odds against them they do their best. Both, music and lyrics of the song are charming. Moreover it, it’s a perfect show of African life and explanation of language. Even if you do not know orente meaning before watching the video you will understand what orente means after watching it.

Millions and millions of words can be said about the beauty of a woman. Each language is unique and has its own words to express what people feel when they experience the beauty of a woman. Yoruba language has it's too. And now, you know what orente means.

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-07-30