
5 reasons why you should allow polygamous marriages

- Women have been told to be generous in their marriages and share their husbands with other women

- Some of the reasons given by a writer with the Standard is men will be happier, there will be less spreading of diseases and single women will get a chance at happiness too

- He also added that by nature, men are greedy and cannot be satisfied with one woman

According to Scophine Otieno of the Standard, women should be accepting enough to allow the men in their husbands to marry more wives- probably an undetermined number as long as he can maintain all of them.

Below are some of the absurd reasons he stated in an article today, Monday, August 1 on why monogamous marriages should be altered:

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1. Polygamous men are happier than monogamous men. He believes that monogamous men have more stress for being henpecked by their wives. These women are careless because they know they are the only women in their husbands’ lives.

2. More women means a simpler life. No dealing with a woman who is too focused on herself that she does not behave like a wife. One woman can handle all the home duties as the others handle other ‘issues’.

3. Science approves of it. Period. It does not matter if he is financially challenged but because he is a man, he deserves ‘second helpings’.

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4.  It is better to marry two or more wives than marry one and sleep around. This gives the first wife the peace of mind to know where he husband is if he is not at home and that he is not spending money on bimbos he picked up in bars.

5. For the sake of the single women out there. Men should marry many wives so that the single women out there do not feel lonely. Women should be generous enough to share, and live peacefully as co-wives just ass the generations before us did.

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Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-27