
97 -are verbs in Italian

In their infinite form, you can divide Italian verbs into three groups based on their endings: -are, -ere and -ire verbs. These verb groups are also known, respectively, as verbi di prima, seconda and terza coniugazione (first, second and third conjugation verbs). Learning how to identify and conjugate these verbs is the perfect way to start your journey learning Italian; after all, verbs are the core of sentences and messages in Italian. In this guide, we’ll review many of the common verbi di prima (i.e. –are verbs) in Italian.

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Regular ‘-are’ verbs in Italian

abbracciareto hug
abitareto live
adorareto adore/to worship
aggiustareto fix
aiutareto help
alzareto lift
amareto love
arrivareto arrive
ascoltareto listen
aspettareto wait
baciareto kiss
ballareto dance
bloccareto block
bruciareto burn/to set something on fire
camminareto walk
cancellareto cancel
cantareto sing
cercareto look for
cenareto dine/to have dinner
chiamareto call
cominciareto start/to begin
comprareto buy
contareto count
continuareto continue
cucinareto cook
curareto treat/to take care of
dimenticareto forget
disegnareto draw
disturbareto bother
diventareto become
dubitareto doubt
durareto last
entrareto enter/to get in
evitareto avoid
fermareto stop
firmareto sign
fumareto smoke
gesticolareto gesticulate
giocareto play
girareto turn
gridareto shout
guardareto watch
guidareto drive
ignorareto ignore
imitareto imitate
imparareto learn
incontrareto meet
indossareto wear
iniziareto start/to begin
invitareto invite
lanciareto throw
lasciareto drop/to leave something
lavareto wash
lavorareto work
litigareto argue
mandareto send
mangiareto eat
migliorareto improve
mostrareto show
negareto deny
nuotareto swim
odiareto hate
ordinareto sort/to organize or to order something
pagareto pay
parlareto speak
passareto pass/to go by or to spend time
pensareto think
perdonareto forgive
piegareto bend
portareto bring
preparareto prepare
provareto try or to try on
raccontareto tell
regalareto gift/to give away
restareto stay
ricordareto remember
rifiutareto refuse
rovinareto ruin/to damage
russareto snore
saltareto jump
salutareto greet
sbagliareto be wrong/to make a mistake
sognareto dream
studiareto study
tagliareto cut
telefonareto make a phone call
tirareto pull
toccareto touch
tornareto come back
trovareto find
usareto use
viaggiareto travel
volareto fly

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Irregular ‘-are’ verbs in Italian

Alright! You made it through our selection of the most common Italian verbs with an –are ending. To cap our list off, let’s take a look at four important –are verbs with irregular conjugations.

These irregular verbs belong to the same group of verbi di prima coniugazione we reviewed above. But their conjugation does not follow the rules we’ve previously covered about the present tense in Italian. These four verbs are: 

  • andare (to go)
  • dare (to give)
  • fare (to do/to make)
  • stare (to stay/to be)


One of the most common Italian verbs is andare, or “to go.” In its present simple form, more than half of this verb’s conjugations are irregular:

(io) vadoI go
(tu) vaiyou go
(lei/lui) vashe/he/it goes
(noi) andiamowe go
(voi) andateyou go
(loro) vannothey go


Dare translates to “to give.” In this instance, too, the conjugation is irregular and follows its own rules:

(io) doI give
(tu) daiyou give
(lei/lui) dàshe/he/it gives
(noi) diamowe give
(voi) dateyou give
(loro) dannothey give


Another verb that will come in handy is fare, or “to do.” Here is how to conjugate it:

(io) faccioI do
(tu) faiyou do
(lei/lui) fashe/he/it does
(noi) facciamowe do
(voi) fateyou do
(loro) fannothey do


Sometimes it’s time to go, sometimes it’s better to stay and learn how to conjugate the verb stare. Let’s take a look:

(io) stoI do
(tu) staiyou do
(lei/lui) stashe/he/it does
(noi) stiamowe do
(voi) stateyou do
(loro) stannothey do

Get a head start with these ‘-are’ verbs in Italian

Italian verbs that end in -are belong to the first conjugation (or prima coniugazione). This group is the most regular among the three major verb groups, with just four exceptions: andare, fare, dare and stare. While our list could have continued with hundreds more verbs, get a head start by familiarizing yourself with these most common ones. In no time, you’ll be able to jump into a conversation and show off your skills in Italian.

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Valentina Rampazzo

Valentina Rampazzo is an Italian Content Manager and writer. She has lived in five countries across Europe and speaks as many languages. She is based in Berlin where she works at Lingoda. She also collaborates with a Portuguese association focused on helping the integration of migrants through languages by writing for their blog. Apart from writing, she enjoys cooking and experimenting with plant-based food, loves traveling and has a hard time saying no to cuddle time with her black cat.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-15