Jason Derulo Has an Anaconda in His Pants, and Its Pleased to See You
But it's not just the visible dick-print impressing people; Derulo's physique is also looking ripped a result of his famously disciplined diet and workout.
"Im a real foodie, so I eat a ton," he told Men's Health back in September . "And because I eat so much, I have to make sure that my diet is strict. I stock my fridge in a way that I cant really mess up too much."
He added that he has to be in great shape for when he puts on his high-energy performances. "My show is very vigorous," he said. "From the first song, its balls to the wall. Its got to be amazing from the start."
He also revealed that his preparation for Cats included a prolonged period in which he learned to embrace his feline side. "Five months of full cat vibes," he said. "I was engulfed in the cat world. I went to cat school to learn how to be that cat human hybrid. It was a lot of all four movements."
And who knows, maybe when he's done with the Cats movie, Derulo can try his luck with an Anaconda reboot. He could play the title role.