
A year in review: Lingoda's Wrap-Up feature

Every end of the year is a time to look back. As you reflect on your language learning achievements, let #LingodaWrapUp serve as a springboard for setting ambitious goals for the year ahead. Uncover your linguistic strengths and embrace the joy of progress. How?

Lingoda has your back and is proud to introduce its brand new Wrap-Up feature. Goodbye blurry memories. Welcome sharp highlights and boosted motivation!

Learn languages at your pace

What is the Lingoda 2023 Wrap-Up feature?

2023 is coming to a close, we want to celebrate with you your progress and language learning with us. So we’re introducing this personalized Wrap-Up. The feature will summarize your year of language learning fun. It will be available from December 15, 2023 in your personal space on Click on “See my 2023 Wrap-Up”, and sit back while we reveal everything you accomplished on the platform (as long as you attended at least 10 classes). 

As Harshad Bendle, Senior Product Manager at Lingoda puts it:

“Mastering a new language is a journey that requires consistent effort and dedication. With this initiative, our goal is to applaud the accomplishments of our learners. By showcasing their previous achievements and triumphs, we hope to encourage them to keep progressing on their language learning journey”.

Celebrate your language learning journey

Wondering how many classes you took part in or whether you practiced enough? With the new Wrap-Up feature, you will be now able to swipe your personalized cards IG style and get a complete overview of your work in up to 8 screens. All of them rigorously branded with our #LingodaWrapUp hashtag.

Learn languages at your pace

So what can I expect to see?

Lingoda’s Wrap-Up feature provides a comprehensive overview of your language learning progress over the past year. It includes metrics such as the number of classes attended, the longest attendance streak, the number of self-learning exercises completed, the certificates earned, your ranking among Lingoda’s top learners, the number of teachers you’ve worked with, and your top 3 skills based on class feedback. The summary screen provides a one-stop overview of your overall performance and allows you to download a screenshot for sharing.

*Note that some of these might not appear if you didn’t meet some criteria or covered a certain amount of classes or exercises.

Come and join the #LingodaWrapUp fun!

Learn, summarize it, motivate yourself and repeat

To create a clear vision for your language learning path, #LingodaWrapUp screens are the most recent of our features. With it, we aim at giving you that sense of closure after a year of hard work and effort and motivating you to continue even further to expand your love for languages.
So, with this hope in our hearts, we wish you all a 2024 packed with intercultural curiosity and an everlasting will to keep building bridges through languages.

A successful year

With #LingodaWrapUp, we aim to give you a sense of closure after a whole year of hard work and learning, as well as to motivate you to continue your efforts and love languages. 

At Lingoda, we’re so proud of our year improving your learning experience. And we’re already thinking of new ways to make it more fun in 2024. Ready to see your Lingoda Wrap-Up? Visit your profile page and share your progress with us using #LingodaWrapUp.

Lingoda Team

This article was produced by one of the in-house Lingoda writers.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-08-27